Building Waste

Building Waste

Building Rubble Removals

Have You Got Building Rubble To get Rid Of? Call CK Rubble Removals For Reliable Construction Waste Removal Call 074-814-2203 Now!

Construction Waste Removal & Collection

Welcome to the Building Waste, Waste Type information page, brought to you by CK Rubble. Here at CK Rubble Removals we deal with Garden Refuse, Commercial Waste, Household Waste and Building Waste. Also referred to as Construction Waste. Which is defined as waste generated during the construction, alteration, repair, or demolition of any man made or natural structure, including dwelling units, garages, pavements, streets, alleys, trenches, ditches, underground utilities, excavations, and other structures. Building Waste includes rubble, earth, wood, rock, glass, plastic, metals, asphalt, bitumen and bitumen products, installation materials, concrete, bricks, tiles, ceramics, and gypsum-based materials, but excludes garden waste and asbestos.

Types of Building Rubble

Types of Building Rubble include, but are not limited to, concrete. steel, aluminum, and plastic (PET). Plastics (HDPE), corrugated cardboardGlass. Bricks. Tiles and ceramic Wood, cellulose. Fiberglass foams with natural fibers. Perlite. Polyisocyanurate Polystyrene. Polyurethane Vermiculite. non-ferrous metal. Stone and clay. soil. Rocks. Shrubs. Tree stumps Whole trees of branches Drywall. Asphalt. Barrels and drums. Carpets and Ceilings.

Hazardous Building Rubble

Hazardous Building Rubble is waste WE CANNOT COLLECT this includes Items such as solvent-based paints and pesticides. Garden chemicals, and batteries (car, mobile phone, or regular household batteries). The motor oil Petrol. Kerosene Cleaning and polishing chemicals swimming pool or spa bath chemicals. Pharmaceuticals (all medicines). Obsolete computer equipment Thermometers, barometers, thermostats, fluorescent tubes, and compact fluorescent globes (CFLs) Empty aerosol cans. insect spray. floor-care products. Kitchen and bathroom cleaners Ammonia-based cleaners, pharmaceuticals Nail polish and remover. Fluorescent tubes Batteries, fuel, and gas cylinders. Paints. Fertilizer for weed controlRat poison Pool chemicals Solvents and glues engine oil for paint stripper coolant and antifreeze. on mobile phones. Fire extinguishers, old car batteries. Car wax and Car body filler









